Boy oh boy! I haven’t seen such a rain for a long time! it was like the whole ocean raised into the sky and was pouring down on us. No relief for the whole day except for now, going closer to evening. So we used our brain power to decide where to go :-). And went to the Auckland Domain which is the park with trees that I have never seen so wide, with branches extending not up vertically but horizontally. Sometimes you have to bend down in order to go under them to continue on the path.
All Auckland is built on hills – so walking up and down is what awaits the walkers or trampers as they call it here.
We found the greenhouses there:
In front of them there was a big building – Auckland Museum. A rich museum in its possessions! I would say – not enough space fro them all – they are a little cramped. it is mostly about Maory culture, volcano activity, Polinesian nations and nature. An interesting thing about all it – you can take as many pics as you want:
And here is Buddha in Greco – Roman style!