
(Under construction)

My mugshot Hello, my name is Andrei Belogortseff, and when not busy entertaining my two cats, I run my micro-ISV business, WinAbility Software Corp. This is a very small company: it has only one software developer (me), one employee (me), one manager (me again), and so on, you get the idea. I’m the President and CEO of this company (sounds impressive, isn’t it?) but I’m also the code monkey who does all the low-level work necessary to keep the business running.

Some day I’ll write more about my background (in case anyone is interested), but for now I’ll just say that I wrote my first independent program that was good enough for someone to pay money for back in 1991. Writing software for a living is both fun and difficult. I decided to start this blog hoping that it can give you a glimpse inside this side of my life.

Another thing I want to mention right away: English is not my mother tongue, so what I write is going to be rough around the edges, you are warned :-).

DECLARATION OF A CONFLICT OF INTEREST. This blog is sponsored by WinAbility Software Corp., the company I run. This company publishes software products in several areas such as data security, encryption, file management, computer productivity, etc. This means that when I’m writing on such (and other) subjects, I may be biased. If you don’t like that, don’t read my blog :-)

LEGAL DISCLAIMER. The posts in this blog are provided “as is” with no warranties and confer no rights. The opinions expressed herein are my own and they do not represent my company’s view in any way. Nothing posted here should be considered official or sanctioned by my employer or any other entity I’m affiliated with.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. AB Post author

    Thank you for the invitation Dan, but I’m not based in NZ. I did enjoy traveling there this spring. Best!

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